Thank you for reaching out to us. We look forward to serving you. If you are requesting more information about one of our services or programs, please indicate which one in the message area below.

Needs vs. Wants/Budget Planning/Savings/Credit/Money History
Is your child struggling with Needs vs. Wants? Doesn't understand what a Savings Account is? Thinks you swipe that "plastic thingie," and we get stuff.
Through vocabulary, math problems, informational videos, crafts, book suggestions, and so much more, "Running Plan on Becoming MoneyWise" will help children understand Ways to Pay, What Real Costs Are, Saving Money, to even What Money Is?
Money Management Counselors is proud to present this program with the support of the Green Bay Packers Foundation. Their commitment to education helps make this program possible. This family-friendly program is geared for 4th to 8th grade. Included are family budgeting activities for everyone to get involved in. We encourage parents and guardians to participate in the video chat with their children if they choose this option. "Running Play on Becoming MoneyWise" makes a great summer program to extend learning and curb summer learning loss.
​You have the option for personalized live "Kids and Money" video chats to review the various workshop topics with our certified credit counselor one-on-one. To access the live video chat option, please tell us you want to receive the weekly video chat links, and we'll include you.

"l learned there are cost and benefits to my actions or choices. If I walk home vs run I save energy but it takes me longer to get home."
11 year old - Student