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Wednesday Evenings
September 20, 2023 - November 8, 2023
7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Virtual Workshop
Community, Creativity, and a Safe Place to Talk about Money.
Money mindset refers to how you think about money. Unchecked, it can block your financial decision-making, behaviors, feelings, and goals. However, once explored, your financial future is empowered as you understand how your relationship with money is linked with your lifestyles and beliefs. We help clients to rewrite those narratives and reach the financial health they seek.
So what's your Money Mindset?
For three years now, Money Management Counselors has partnered with Jodi Rose Studios to bring a money mindset discovery program to clients through a workshop setting like none other. Clients experience a unique journey of self-discovery using creativity, collage, painting, writing, and more.
September 20th- Thoughts Become Words
What are your Goals? Explore your Money Monster
September 27th - Words Become Actions
Looking at where the Money goes. Look at your Inner Critic
October 4th - Words Become Actions Continued
Finding a Balance between Income and Expenses.
October 11th - Actions become Habits
Processing our Inner Critic. Look at the Big Vision
October 18th - Habits become Character
Putting the last pieces of the puzzle together with spending.
October 25th - Character Shapes Your Destiny
Processing our Big Vision. Start our Bridge to our Futures
November 1st - Character Shapes Your Destiny Continued
Making the Plan reach your Goals.
November 8th - And Now We Begin
Portfolio Reviews, Graduation, and Ending Ceremony
The program costs $125.00 for all eight weeks. Scholarships available
Space limited! Sign up today!
"The Money Mindset Workshop was a pivotal component for me and came into my life at just that right moment. As I look back and reflect, I am reminded how some of the most challenging times in our life can bring forward the greatest gifts! Thank you to the stellar team behind this wonderful event, packed full of opportunities for growth and empowerment!" Anonymous
"The Money Mindset Workshop is an opportunity to work through the deeper issues holding you back from achieving your dreams and goals. The creative art projects and journaling prompts, along with down-to-earth budgeting concepts, are a life-changing combination. The kind and open space Leslie and Jodi foster give participants a chance to connect with others and realize that everyone is struggling in some way. The best way to move forward is to understand ourselves more deeply and share support with others.
Thanks again for this wonderful opportunity!" Anonymous